Why Tree Topping Hurts Trees & Is An Unacceptable Risk

Many property owners in SW Florida don’t realize that when they cut their trees, it actually hurts them more than helps them. It’s a short-term solution with long-term consequences — some of which can even be dangerous! And fortunately, Coastline Tree Service has the right tools and expertise to provide the proper care for your trees without risking their health or safety. So if you’re looking for reliable tree maintenance and care services in SW Florida, make sure to choose experienced professionals who know exactly how to properly prune and trim your valuable trees.

What is Tree Topping And How Harmful It Can Really Be

Tree Topping is the practice where the upper portion of a tree is cut off, leaving only the stubs of branches. You may have seen it done to keep trees at a certain height, but did you know that it’s actually harmful to the tree’s health? Tree topping can lead to stress, disease, decay, and even death. When you remove the upper portion of a tree, it loses its ability to photosynthesize and produce food. This can cause the tree to become weak and vulnerable to pests and diseases. Not to mention, the unsightly stubs left by tree topping can attract insects and fungus, further damaging the tree. So, if you want your trees to stay healthy and green, avoid tree topping and stick to proper pruning techniques.

Tree Topping Leads To Decay

As mentioned, decay is one of the biggest risks. When you cut the upper portion of a tree, it exposes the inner wood to sunlight and rain. This causes the wood to rot and decay, leading to structural instability. How does this occur? Cuts made indiscriminately between lateral branches create stubs or wounds that the tree may not be able to close. The exposed wood tissues begin to decay. Normally, a tree will “wall off”, or compartmentalize, the decaying tissues, but few trees can defend the multiple severe wounds caused by topping. The decay organisms are given a free path to move through branches. Furthermore, the decay can also make your trees hazardous by making them very weak and brittle where they can easily break and cause significant damage should a storm

Tree Topping Can Be Costly In Many Ways

The cost of topping a tree is not only limited to only the job cost. Some hidden costs include:

  • Increased maintenance costs. If the tree survives, it will likely require corrective pruning within a few years (i.e. crown reduction or storm damage repair). If the tree dies, it will have to be removed.
  • Reduced properly value. Healthy, well-maintained trees can add 10-20% to the value of a property. Disfigured, topped trees are considered an impending expense.
  • Increased liability potential. Topped trees may pose an unacceptable risk because topping is considered an unacceptable pruning practice, any damage caused by branch failure of a topped tree may lead to a finding of negligence in a court of law.

Responsible Pruning Practices That Help Trees Thrive

So how can you avoid this? When it comes to pruning trees, there are some key practices to keep in mind if you want to promote healthy growth. First off, it’s important to never remove more than 25% of a tree’s crown in a single year. This ensures it doesn’t experience too much stress all at once. We understand that there maybe a need to reduce the height of a tree, such as for providing utility line clearance. When this situation happens, our professional tree care team here at Coastline Tree Service has the expertise in doing so. For example, small branches should be removed back to their point of origin. If a larger limb must be shortened, it should be pruned back to a lateral branch that is large enough (atleast one-third the diameter of the limb being removed) to assume the terminal role. This method of branch reduction is one of the many techniques we employ in our process. This helps preserve the natural form of the tree.

Why Coastline Tree Service Is The Premier Choice In SW Florida For All Your Tree Needs

With years of experience and a team of certified arborists, we provide top-notch services such as tree trimming, removal, and planting. Not only do we take care of the trees themselves, but we also ensure the safety of your property. So next time you need help with your trees, choose the best in the business – Coastline Tree Service.

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