Grout Color Seal Can Make Your Kitchen Look New

Our Grout Shield grout color seal is a penetrating sealer designed to revitalize and restore the desired color to your grout. Grout Shield color sealer is a colorant and sealer all in one designed to form a protective barrier over your existing sanded or unsanded grout. Once our color sealers have been applied it will provide superior durability to protect […]

Is Sealing Your Grout Really Needed?

In short, yes, if you want your grout protected year-round. Grout is porous – think about your grout lines as like sponges all around your floors or backsplashes or showers. Being sponge-like, grout absorbs everything it comes in contact with like dirt, mold, mildew, liquids, debris, and more. That milk you spilled? The grout sucked it up. The mud your […]

How to Color Seal Pitted Tile

What is pitted tile? Pitted tile has a rough surface and texture – it is not smooth and sleek feeling or looking. Can this tile’s grout be sealed? It can. By using Grout Shield’s brush applicator and Grout Shield’s color sealer, you can recolor and seal the pitted tile. Just squeeze the color sealer into the applicator all over the […]