What is the Real Price of Health?

RenovoVita the price of good health

What is the Real Price of Health?

There seem to be two different schools of thought when it comes to health. We purchase health insurance, but really that is ‘sick care’ insurance. It isn’t primarily used to be proactive or maintain your health. It helps take care of expenses when you already are ill. Doctor visits, medicines, and even special devices you may need such as oxygen machines, CPAP machines, eyeglasses, and leg braces.

We spend a small fortune on health insurance no matter our age or health. It can easily range into the hundreds per month and that is with a few thousand-dollar deductible. Health insurance is necessary in case of a major illness or accident to be sure you will be well cared for and it wont break the bank, but it isn’t really keeping you healthy.

Somehow there is a divide in many of our minds. We see the logic in paying for insurance and medications to treat issues, but so many think that taking care of yourself is too expensive. The truth is it’s a pay now or pay later type of situation. You can give your body what it needs and craves to be healthy, take it out for a spin, get movement, sunshine, and fresh air, eat right, and supplement as needed. And yes, gym memberships, healthy foods, and supplements all do cost money, but when choosing this path, its far less likely that you will end up suffering and feeling bad.

How much is feeling good worth?

There isn’t a price. Ask anyone on this planet who is ill what they would pay to be well again, and their answer is usually everything.

Decide Now While You Are Well

Decide that you are important. That your health is important. Take the time to take care of yourself. There is no one more important in your life than you. Many would say their children or spouse, but the truth is that as noble and loving as that is, if you don’t feel well, you can’t fully be there for them.

Not sure where to start? – RenovoVita can help

We condensed what your body needs into three easy products. With-N Cellular Renewal Activation, Zero-N Brain Health Formula, and Virg-N Youth Serum for the most beautiful glowing skin and healthy mind and body, inside and out.

Supplements of pharmaceutical grade quality in master formulations that heal and restore may not be inexpensive, but they are far less costly than getting sick – for your bank account, your peace of mind, and your mental health as well as the physical.

Ready to live your best life?

www.RenovoVita.com to learn more.


FDA & Legal Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


The post What is the Real Price of Health? first appeared on RenovoVita Blog.

Courtesy of Renovovita | Anti Aging Supplements, Cellular Regeneration & Brain Health

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