Have You Heard the Miraculous News about NMN and How It Can Reverse Aging and Disease?

If you are feeling your age and think that is just the way it is and there is nothing you can do about it, boy do we have some good news for you!

Would you like to feel like you are in your 20s again even in your 50s or later? The name of the game is hormones. That clock keeps on ticking, but it doesn’t have to do the damage it does when supplemented correctly. Scientists have been studying a molecule known as NMN. It has been deemed the anti-aging elixir.

In a study conducted in 2018 Dr. Satchidananda Panda looked at time restricted eating and found that when you eat has as much to do with longevity as what you eat. Certain processes within the human body make intermittent fasting, calorie restriction, diet, and exercise that make us healthier and lend to a longer life.

A big part of that chemistry can be mimicked with NMN (*β-Nicotinamide Mononucleotide). When added to diet and exercise its benefits are increased and better yet, there are no known side effects!

What is NMN?

This discovery was solidified 20 years ago at M.I.T. when a biology professor by the name of Leonard Guarante and his team of scientists discovered the SIRT1 gene (Sirtuins) in yeast.  Sirtuins are what control againg. 5 are found in humans and 7 are found in yeast.

When these genes were added to living organisms, their lifespan increased drastically by up to 20%. It was this massive discovery that started the use of mimicked molecules with NMN as well as Resveratrol.

NMN itself is derived from Niacin (Vitamin B3). It can be synthesized from fruits, milks, and vegetables. In the body it generates NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide). NAD+ is found in every single cell of the body. It is needed in order to maintain life.

NAD+ Plays a crucial role in anti-aging. It activates the sirtuins. Without NAD+ the SIRT2 genes cannot protect the body from deterioration and ultimately aging.

As we age our NAD+ levels fall. This is what triggers the aging process.

NMN in food sources

As we mentioned a bit earlier yes, NMN is naturally sourced. Unfortunately, no matter how healthy you eat, the sheer amount of food you would need to consume in order to attain enough NMN just isn’t physically possible. It needs to be inserted into the diet via supplementation.

NMN and Immune Response

NMN supplementation boosts NAD+ to former youthful levels. This enhances the ability of the body to protect against disease raising your immune shield helping to protect you against foreign invaders.

Longevity Pathways

NMN Boosts the energy supply in aging cells.

There are four main longevity pathways identified in organisms including humans:

  1. AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) pathway
  2. mTOR Pathway
  3. Sirtuin Pathway
  4. Nuclear factor-kappa B (NF-kB) pathway

Cells take in and process fuel to run their daily functions.  As we age this ability declines. This brings on a cellular condition known as senescence (ageing).

The Ground Breaking News Came when Washington University School of Medicine did a study that was published in the Nature Metabolism Journal.

The results showed that NMN can be put directly into the cells without conversion to NAD+.

NMN Can even help with metabolic issues such as diabetes, obesity, dyslipidemia, slowing down and even reversing menopause, and fatty liver (non-alcohol related). It also has shown to help cardio vascularly with increase of blood flow. This gives a major boost to your ability to work out and see results.

IS NMN Safe?

NMN is GRAS (Generally Rated as Safe) it has been well tolerated in all trials.

At RenovoVita we literally flipped when we discovered just how well NMN worked. We formulated our Cell Renewal Activation supplement specifically to maximize its benefits to bring you the best antiaging invigoration product on the market today.  With-N energizes each cell with the nutrients it requires to replicate perfectly while increasing resilience to disease and aging.

Ready to set back that clock? Try With-N now. www. renovovita.com/with-n.

The post Have You Heard the Miraculous News about NMN and How It Can Reverse Aging and Disease? first appeared on RenovoVita Blog.

Courtesy of Renovovita | Anti Aging Supplements, Cellular Regeneration & Brain Health

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