Why is My Grout Cracking?

All is takes is some cracked grout to make your bathroom go from beautiful to grimy. Cracked grout really can make a bathroom look old and dirty. Grout can crack. There are a few reasons why your grout may be cracking, so it’s best you get it inspected by a grout/tile professional to figure out why.  

Sometimes, grout will crack when there’s too much water mixed into the grout, which create tiny pinholes. When the grout dries, these pinholes make it easier for cracks to form in the grout. Also, too much water in the grout can make the grout weaker. Grout can also crack due to thinset (glue) that is applied over the mortar during installation. If not enough glue was applied, the tile will pull away from the mortar and create air gaps under the tile. The mortar will break, the grout will crack, and tiles will break. If there wasn’t enough glue under the tiles, the tile will become loose. The loosened tile will compromise the grout, which will make it crack and crumble away.

The cracking could be the result of improper installation or a defect in the floor.

Also, you want to make sure your room has enough expansion space around the tile. If there isn’t enough space, the walls will put pressure on the tiles, causing both the tiles and grout to crack. Tile should also have proper soft joints and expansion joints to keep movement from happening that causes grout cracking.

Some cracked grout can easily be replaced, while others may need new tile installation of the entire room re-grouted. Remember, if you don’t have expertise in tile or grout, call someone that does.

If you have newly installed grout or grout that isn’t protected, it’s time to use a grout sealer to protect the grout from staining and absorbing dirt, water, and other liquids. If you just spent all this time fixing a tile area, you want it to look its best year-round. Grout Shield sealers will keep your grout looking brand new.  If you never used a grout sealer before, you’ll also want to purchase Grout Shield’s  grout and tile cleaner and/or maintenance cleaner to pull out the grime from your grout. To learn more about Grout Shield’s grout sealer and grout cleaners, click our grout cleaner and grout sealer page  or call 1-800-631-0716.


The post Why is My Grout Cracking? appeared first on Grout Shield | Grout Restoration System | Grout Cleaner.

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